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The Chennai Province of the FMMC community prioritizes the underprivileged and marginalized people as its primary mission in the service of society. As we continue to forge ahead, a project titled SUDAR –(Social Upliftment for Development and Access to Resources)was launched to exclusivelysupport women. Among them,the destitute, singleand transwomen. Migrant wellbeing and Prison ministry are also part of its mission.
The Project Centre was inaugurated at St. Thomas Convent, Mylapore, Chennai on 5 November 2020 with an Inaugural Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Pancras. Mr. Dhamodharan, Tahsildar, Chennai presided as the Chief Guest of the Inaugural Ceremony
To enhance human potential by creating an accessible and enabling environment for improving quality of life, particularly among women, transwomen, and children.
The vision of the FMM SUDAR Project is to eradicate social barriers that prevent the holistic growth of women, transwomen and children;thereby contributing towards building a society where human beings aretreated with dignity, equality and justice.It will engage itself with marginalized groups/communities and partake in activitiesthat create an inclusive environment, fostering equality of opportunity, participation, and promotion of peace
The project seeks to empower women, transwomen and children to have access to available resources that enhance their potential for self-development, family wellbeing and societal harmony